April 29, 2015

Sisterhood Spotlight: Caitlin

Going into my freshman year I knew that I wanted to go through recruitment. For me being part of a sorority meant branching out to meet new people and having a place that I could call home throughout my college career. I joined Pi Beta Phi in the fall of 2013 and I am so grateful that I did. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me, but I never expected Pi Phi to play such a huge role in my life. From my freshman to sophomore year, I have gained so much confidence in all aspects of my life and I have all of my amazing sisters to thank for that. One of the best parts of Pi Phi is the genuine friendship that I have found here. Even though my Pi Phi family is small, I am so lucky to have them in my life. They are my role models and I know that I can come to them with any problem and they will support me no matter what.
In college it is easy to get sucked into the routine of homework, Netflix, and sleep. However there are so many great ways that you can be involved with your university. Pi Phi is great because it gives new members a chance to get involved on committees, which opens doors to other leadership positions. I was on the Philanthropy committee my freshman and sophomore year. I was also the Relay For Life Chair, which was my first leadership position for Pi Phi. I hope to become even more involved in the future. Outside of Pi Phi I participate in a number of other activities on campus. I am in a tutoring program called Bearcat Buddies, where once a week I work with a student from the Cincinnati Public Schools and we focus on strengthening their math and reading skills. I am also involved in the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA), which is an organization for students interested in a career path such as speech language pathology or audiology. Finally I volunteer at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the Child Life Department. My job there is to hangout and play with the kids while they recover in the hospital.

I am very passionate about helping others, and that is how I decided what I wanted to do with my life. My major is Communication Sciences and Disorders, which is the undergraduate program for Speech Language Pathology. I also decided to add a Spanish minor. My eventual goal is to survive graduate school and become a speech therapist working with kids in a hospital setting.

I love my life here at the University of Cincinnati and I am so thankful to be a part of this amazing organization that has given me my wings.