May 23, 2012

Lambda Chi Watermelon Bash!

The men of Lambda Chi Alpha proudly presented their biannual philanthropy event on Friday May 11, 2012, the Watermelon Bash!  When I first heard of such an event, I automatically thought “what can you really do with a watermelon?”  Well apparently you can do a relay event, a watermelon toss, an eating relay, and even a paint-your-coach-watermelon-bash-themed.  Of course, bashing watermelons was a continuous action through the entire event.  Teams of four, represented by other Greek organizations Gamma Phi Beta, Theta Phi Alpha, and Kappa Alpha Theta, competed for the gold hammer, representing the bashing of watermelons.

Starting in the relay event meant passing the watermelon between your four teammates, over then under then over then under, until moving right on to the watermelon roll wheel barrel event.  Even after one of our teammates dropped our watermelon splitting it open, we managed to pull through and take 2nd place in the relay event!  Then came the watermelon toss.  After the first run, a tie-breaker was needed and we placed 1st in the toss.  Go Rho Gamma2.!  The next event was the paint-your-coach to match the theme of watermelon bashing.  Although we did not place in this event, we were very proud of our coach and his tolerance of our ‘water-mer-melon-man’ character we decided to go with.  The last event came to the eating competition.  For the uneven small and large pieces, our team was definitely challenged right until the end.  Again, we did not place in this event but we certainly had our fill.  In the end, points were totaled from the events and Pi Beta Phi took 2nd place and we now have a beautiful silver hammer sitting in our home.

And the philanthropy?  All proceeds raised from and during the event go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  The event was made personal and special when an UC Lambda Chi alumna spoke about his involvement with fighting cystic fibrosis, a disease diagnosed to his oldest son.  His family came and supported the active members of his chapter in the watermelon bash.  At the end of the event, with a large amount of watermelons left over for bashing, his son proudly took the giant hammer inscribed with the letters Lambda Chi Alpha and bashed watermelons!  It was touching to see an alumna stay connected with his chapter, even under unfortunate circumstances as being diagnosed with the disease that his fraternity had took an initiative to fight.  I can say that I will definitely be participating again!

Written by: Raleigh Pierson