March 11, 2016

Sisterhood Spotlight: Kylee Ardolino

Year: Sophomore

Major: Marketing, Spanish, & International Business

Celebrity Crush: Hugh Jackman

Fav Chef Mo Creation: Mac n Cheese

Spirit Animal: Snow Leopard

Go to Shower Song: Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones

Tell us a little bit about your experience with Pi Phi. Why did you join, what made Pi Phi stand out? What has Pi Phi brought to your life during your time here?

Originally, I was against the whole sorority thing... But during my freshman year I'd made so many friends who were Pi Phis, and found myself looking up to them more than anyone else. After that, I knew that Pi Phi was where I belonged. My favorite thing is that I can be myself, everyone is so individual & it makes me so proud to call them my sisters. Pi Phi has brought me confidence to put myself out of my comfort zone, the motivation to be a better student, and endless support in everything I do.

What is your favorite memory in Pi Phi?

My favorite memory was probably getting my big, Taylor. She is so laid back & sweet, & I'm so lucky to have found one of my best friends through it!

Advice to any new members?

I would say to take chances; the things you are afraid of doing will bring you the greatest success. Sometimes things don't workout, but you never know until you try! You will ALWAYS have a house full of girls to support you!

You have been off on Co-Op in New York, tell us a little bit about it!!

I am in NYC as an accessories intern at Marie Claire Magazine. It has been the greatest opportunity that I've ever had, because I have found my true passion. I've met so many amazing people, including my boss, Nina Garcia of Project Runway. I went to some fashion shows during NYFW, including Marc Jacobs & Kanye! I even sat behind the Kardashins and hung out with actress Lauren Cohan! Everything here has been so surreal. But as amazing as it can be, I miss my family & friends so much. I work 12-14 hours a day, and run around in painful heels lol. As glamorous as something may seem, there is always hard work! As long as you are doing what you love though, it will be beyond worth it!