January 21, 2015

TAKE Self Defense 2015

On January 17th Pi Beta Phi at the University of Cincinnati hosted a self-defense class for the second year in a row. Students from UC could attend the class for a $5 fee to donate to our philanthropy, First Book. The program, T.A.K.E., offers a two-hour seminar on how to be more aware, ways to keep yourself safe by thinking ahead, and self-defense moves that anyone can do. 

After Ali Kemp, a fellow Pi Phi sister, was murdered in 2002 at a local pool where she worked in Kansas the program was created. The foundation strives to improve safety awareness and give the peace of mind that everyone deserves. Their vision statement: T.A.K.E. Defense Training will be known as one of the nation's premier programs that provide hands-on skills and internet-directed information for girls and women, to equip them with personal self-defense skills, and to make this training available to all who desire it, regardless of physical or financial limitations.

Unfortunately, the most common target for attackers is the female college freshman, which is why Pi Phi continues to make an effort to educate women in our community. Over 200 young women left the class that day with the information and skills to become better prepared for those unforeseen, just in case incidents. 

 “One thing I really took away from this was how to be smart. I learned so many smart little tricks that I wouldn't have thought about before TAKE. I learned how to make myself not such an easy target by doing things like making my car look not so much like a girl drives it.”
Erica, UC Freshman, Pi Beta Phi

“I learned to always prepare and think of how situations could happen because if you never think about it before hand, you would freeze up and not know what to do if it actually happened.” 
 Jordan, UC Student, Delta Delta Delta

“After attending the class I feel better prepared to protect myself if something were to happen to me on campus, which makes me feel more comfortable in our environment.”
Julie, UC Student, Delta Delta Delta