April 16, 2014

Red, White and Greek 2014

This year's Greek Week theme was Red, White and Greek! From March 30th to April 5th, the Greeks at the University of Cincinnati celebrated our community, and raised money for the American Cancer Association. Throughout the week, events were hosted such as volleyball, a belly flop competition, and pies in the face.
The fan favorites are variety show and Relay for Life. Variety show is where each chapter creates a routine, and for this year's theme of America, we did an American History lesson. Ohio Kappa took first place with an amazing show!

Relay for Life is at the end of the week and one of the largest is hosted here at UC. Each team is created from the different organizations on campus, greek or non greek, and each has a tent where they typically sell food. Starting at 6pm Friday night, snacks like deep fried Oreos are a big hit as the event continues into the early hours of saturday morning. For our tent, we chose a classic bonfire and smokes for sale, only $2 which was perfect for the chilly night we had. A friendly competition among the chapters to see who can raise the most money for their teams comes to an end at the closing ceremony that Saturday at noon. This year our team of Pi Beta Phi, Beta Theta Phi and Theta Chi raised almost $4,000, and overall we raised over $144,000!
Greek week is the event in the spring all chapters look forward to, and following that is the Greek Awards for the school year. Ohio Kappa received the following;

3rd overall for Greek Week
3rd in Fundraising
1st for Variety Show
Runner Up Overall Premiere Chapter