Tori graduated with a major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing, as well as a certificate in Deaf Studies. She now works as an owner of ‘Pawlished Dog Training, LLC’ and a Level II Executive Consultant for Rodan + Fields. During her four years as a member of Ohio Kappa, Tori held three different positions. She was Vice President of Member Development, Vice President of Communications, and on Arrowboard! Along with her involvement in Pi Phi, Tori was President of the Kolodzik Business Scholars, held multiple positions as a University Honors Program Ambassador, Rho Lambda Honorary, Order of Omega Honorary, and VP of Events for the Cincinnati Dance Marathon. She was a member of Cincinnati Women in Excellence and Spirit Together, as well as the National Panhellenic Conference Judicial Board. Talk about a she-boss!! Now, let’s get to know a little bit more about Tori and her time as a member of Ohio Kappa!
What was your favorite event in Pi Phi?
Tori: I anticipated Greek Week as soon as the school year started. Step was always my favorite event!
Though there must be many, what is your best memory of Pi Phi?
Tori: Despite how most people feel, I truly enjoyed Spirit Week each summer. It was the first time a lot of girls came back to town, so we were able to reconnect and hear about everyone’s breaks. Not only that, but prepping for recruitment, a time when we have the chance to show what Pi Phi is all about and what makes our chapter special, brought out pride and excitement to get the year started off on the right foot.
Tell us a little about yourself!
Tori: I own a dog training facility in Norwood that focuses on rehabilitating aggressive dogs. The end goal is to donate Service Dogs to families in need for free. Stay tuned! When I’m not working, which isn’t often, I like to binge watch shows on Netflix (who doesn’t?) and read. I’m still a die-hard Bearcat fan, and cannot wait for football season to get started!
What made Pi Phi stick out to you throughout recruitment? How did being a member of Pi Phi make a difference in your time at UC?
Tori: Coming through as a potential member of the first formal recruitment class meant that there was a huge opportunity to get involved quickly. It also meant that we could build chapter traditions for future generations. That was extremely exciting and appealing. I remember the very first time we lined up outside. Hannah Jones (VPM) and Sarah Gravely (CP) jumped outside and started screaming their welcome. It was hilarious, inviting, and made me feel like I had found home right off the bat. Pi Phi changed my entire experience. From friendships, involvement, and connections, Pi Phi shaped who I grew into and what I was able to accomplish. It is such a large part of my identity. I can’t imagine spending my years with any other group of girls.
As an Alum, how has Pi Phi helped you in your life outside of college? How did it help you grow as a person?
Tori: As a recipient of the Sign of the Arrow Melissa Scholarship, I was able to start my company quickly after graduation. Instead of spending years in a career that I wouldn’t have been happy with, I was able to jump-start the career of my dreams and change lives. My sisters have been my biggest supporters morally and as customers. As a person, Pi Phi gave me the confidence I needed to believe that I could do anything I put my mind to. The girls in my chapter consistently pushed me to be the best version of myself. There’s nothing better than being surrounded by that type of support.
Any advice to those of us still making our way through the wonderful college years?
Tori: Study abroad. Some of my best college experiences were with sisters and friends outside of the US. It also doesn’t get any less expensive once you graduate. Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun. Once you’re in the real world, it’s nonstop work for most of us. Enjoy the freedom while you can. Take the weekend trip that you’re not so sure about, and get to know the girls that you usually don’t hang out with. Trust me.