Year: Sophomore
Major: Urban Planning
Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum (Obviously. Have you seen Magic Mike?)
Fav Chef Mo Creation: BUILD YOUR OWN TACOS
Spirit Animal: Elephant. Very clumsy and slow, but with a gentle heart.
Go to Shower Song: Any throwback by Taylor Swift.
Tell us a little bit about your experience with Pi Phi. Why did you join, what made Pi Phi stand out? What has Pi Phi brought to your life during your time here?
Well for starters, I’m a big believer in signs. I got the most wonderful sign possible during recruitment when I met my big, Meggie Lynn. It was pref night and I was completely torn which of my final choices I wanted. I sat down with Meggie for the ten minutes (or however long we get to talk) and we got into this deep discussion about signs, things happening for a reason, and how much Pi Phi had affected her life. I mean the symbol is an angel for gosh sakes! Walking out I just knew it was the place for me.
Then I got to bid day and all those other ceremonious activities of being a new member and was terrified. Everyone around me just seemed to have it all figured out, while I felt like--well, a fumbling baby elephant in a dress. I think it wasn't until one night where there were some sort of large quantities of food (maybe the cookie shine?) (It’s Pi Phi there’s always lots of food) when I heard girls repeatedly saying ‘PI PHIS LOVE FOOD’ with such conviction and being super odd and themselves that I started to realize I had made the right choice.
Since joining, I have gained a sense of self-worth I have never had before. I would attribute a large part of this self-worth to the support, unconditional kindness, and inspiration that my sisters’ fuel me with almost every day. Especially my big Megs and Lil Bit, Annemarie.
What is your favorite memory in Pi Phi?
I would probably say going to CAR on Fridays. Specifically, the time last semester that my Grandbig Alyssa Newman dressed up as Elsa from Frozen and entered the classroom to ‘Let it Go’. The kids ran up to sing with her and danced around her. It was honestly just magical and I’m tearing up just thinking about how cute and happy they were and how much I miss spending my Fridays with munchkins since I’m on Co-Op and I’m just going to stop writing about it anymore so I don’t cry. But, yeah-- Go to CAR.
Advice to any new members?
My advice to new members is not to get swept up in worrying about what others think of you. I completely regret not being more myself with my sisters when I first met them. I was so worried of them thinking I was ‘the weird pi phi’ or that I was a fluke recruit. The truth of the matter is, true Pi Phis value ‘sincere friendship’. True pi phis are admittedly weird, and themselves, and completely happy with it which is what makes our house so beautiful. Since I started to be myself with my sisters, I’ve started to make so many more friendships (in and out of Pi Phi) and feel like I’m finally understanding what sisterhood really means. PUH-LEASE be yourself, or you might regret it later down the road. Plus, the real you is beautiful. :)
Also-- Never give up on friendships as long as both sides are still trying. My big and I had the most difficult time possible at first just getting along, but at the end of the day, you could tell we were both trying really hard to make it work. We both cared to keep the friendship despite hardships and now I can honestly call her one of my best friends. I know I will hold our friendship dear to my heart for the rest of my life. I can not imagine if either of us had given up on that friendship before all the amazing times we have had. I'm sure I wouldn’t be the same person.
You have been off on Co-Op, tell us a little bit about it!!
The past few months I have been living in Muskegon, Michigan, which is a small, touristy town about forty-five minutes from Grand Rapids. I’m working for the City of Muskegon in the Planning Department. It has been absolutely amazing, despite the cold. I never expected to leave Cincinnati for my first Co-Op (especially to go somewhere colder than Ohio!) but it ended up being a complete blessing. It’s beautiful here. Everyone is incredibly friendly. Plus, living a couple minutes from the beach is such an incredible experience to me (I’m from Columbus, OH. The most water we have is a super smelly, fish-hook ridden riverfront).
I would say the hardest part is how much I miss everyone. I can’t believe I’m missing so many of my lil’ bit’s firsts in Pi Phi, and not there for so many big events of my Big’s last semester of College. I hate seeing pictures of pi phi events and seeing so many faces I miss. I think I will really come home with a new appreciation for how many amazing people I get to surround myself with in Pi Phi.
At the end of the day, the best part of all is knowing how much this experience is pushing me forward in my career. Each day I learn something new. Earlier this week I led a public input meeting with 200+ Muskegon citizens trying to get feedback on what they would like to see developed (or not developed) on their beachfront. I hate public speaking and nothing went to the plan I had written out, but at the end it still went amazingly and we got some really creative and helpful ideas from the community. I know what a resume booster and great experience for future co-ops that project was. My boss (as well as the entire City Hall) have given me a billion chances to try new things and really work hands on with my future career. For example, being in control of the city’s Instagram page… @cityofmuskegon (shameless plug). But really, I’m experiencing so much I never expected to get to be doing so early in my career. It’s so different to read about leading influences of gentrification in a book and actually meeting families that are about to lose their house and file bankruptcy because of gentrification in their neighborhood. I guess no reading in class could have prepared me for that.