For the second annual Dad's Day Celebration, the women of OH Kappa headed to Stratford Pavilion for ball park food and beverages before driving down to Great American Ball Park to watch the Reds take on the Houston Astros. Recruiting dads, the Parents Club helped VPC Tori put together the brunch. With a booth set up in the corner, dads were eager to get involved after touring our beautiful clifton home and conversing with other Pi Phi gals.
"Dad’s Dad may have started off with a little
rain; but we didn’t let the it ruin our picnic (literally, we just moved it inside)! The food was tasty and the
conversations were great. As soon as we finished eating we headed off to the
Great American Ball Park. It looked like it was going to be a gloomy day, but
as soon as the game started the sun came out and the Red’s had an awesome come
back! Hanging out with my dad and meeting all the other dads was just a bonus
to this awesome day! I can speak for my dad and myself and say this day was one
we will always remember together. Even a few days later all the girls are still
talking about how much fun everyone had!"- Beth Morand
All together, the 148 attendees couldn't have asked for a better time. Seated in left field on the main level, the view was gorgeous. With the sun out, and a Reds comeback win, the event was a hit. We can't wait to welcome dads back for the next year.
"The Best Kind of Father Raises a Pi Phi Daughter"- Dad's Day OH Kappa 2012
Written by: Beth Morand and Tori Roser