Every quarter the women of Pi Beta Phi go to Covedale
Elementary School to participate in the CAR program. CAR stands for Champions
Are Readers. Through CAR Pi Beta Phi is able to promote literacy locally. Pi
Phi is partnered with a different second grade class each quarter where the
children are able to improve reading skills in a fun, exciting way. Each CAR
session lasts an hour each week for four weeks. At the end of CAR, Pi Phi hosts
a party for the children for completing the program. Parents are invited to see
their kids receive a certificate and medal. Throughout the four weeks, the second graders work on a CAR
workbook with the Pi Phi ladies. The workbook includes reading activities, word
searches, mazes, and a reading racetrack for the kids to complete with their
parents at home. This encourages the kids to read outside of the classroom.