March 1, 2012

Exec Experience

Over the past two years, I have had the amazing opportunity to have served my chapter in two different executive positions. I served as Ohio Kappa’s first ever Vice President of Philanthropy and as our second Vice President of Member Development. Each of these roles required a lot of time and sacrifice on my part. But, the first lesson that Pi Phi taught me is that I would be nowhere without my committees. I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing women as I helped to build this chapter and I know that my life and my leadership style would not be the same without each and every one of them.
Leadership in Pi Phi is not defined by how much one person can do, how many great ideas one person has or how one person thinks the chapter should be run. Pi Phi has taught me that the most important thing about being a great leader is being a loyal follower. There are many times that my chairs and committee members knew far more than I did and had many more ideas than I could ever dream to have. Leadership in Pi Phi has taught me to value the insight of everyone I work with. 
            Each of the lessons that serving on Executive Council has taught me will extend far beyond my Pi Phi experience and even beyond my college experience. The skills that I have developed as a leader in this organization have deeply influenced my abilities in the classroom—whether it be working in groups, giving presentations, or knowing that am I responsible to complete my assignments well. Pi Phi Executive Council has given me the confidence to know that I can tackle any career I may choose or any challenge I may face. The experience that I had as a two-time member of Executive Council is truly priceless.

Written By: Becca Wood