December 11, 2017

Where Are They Now: Kelly Kauffmann

Kelly Kauffmann, also known as Kelly K All Day, has taken the post-grad world by storm. During her three years as a member of Ohio Kappa, she used her incredible voice and choir background as song chair. She graduated with a major in Communication and has since decided to relocate and call New York her home. She now works as a Sales Assistant at iHeartMedia – Katz Media Group. Let’s dive a little deeper and get to know this incredible alum!

Favorite Event in Pi Phi:
My favorite Pi Phi event was probably Founder’s Day. I loved feeling connected with the history behind the organization and remembering why I joined in the first place. It always felt so special to be surrounded by my absolute best friends and feel thankful for the organization that brought us together. Some of us would give little speeches at the event, and it was just cool seeing my friends get up in front of the crowd to honor Pi Phi. So many proud friend moments at Founder’s Day!

Best Memory in Pi Phi:
I could never name just one, but some of my absolute best memories in Pi Phi are the simplest. My senior year, we decorated the house for the holidays one day and blasted Christmas music - it may not sound super memorable, but I had the most incredible time and laughed the hardest I ever have for several hours. All my favorite memories come from living in the house - cooking pasta in the kitchen with Jamie and Casey at 2am, jamming to Panic at the Disco with Abbey in our tiny room, building a nook in my room with Maddie… my favorite memories are countless.

Tell us a little about yourself!
Hi! I’m Kelly K! I’m Cincy born and raised and joined Pi Phi as a sophomore after transferring home to UC. I studied Communication and Marketing, and I moved to New York City two weeks after graduation to do promotions for iHeartMedia, and I now work in sales for a company within iHeart called Katz Media. I love music, singing, and seeing bands at cool venues around the city. Most of my free time is spent exploring the city, discovering new music, and cooking a lot of pasta.

What made Pi Phi stick out to you throughout recruitment? How did being a member of Pi Phi make a difference in your time at UC?
Pi Phi honestly seemed the most genuine and natural during recruitment and I really felt like I could be completely myself (everyone says that, but that’s because it’s so true). I couldn’t be happier with my decision to go Pi Phi. I joined at the exact right moment; I had just transferred to UC and I felt lost, stuck, and clueless. I found people who made me feel like myself again, and that is something I’ll always be grateful for. I found people who dragged me out of my comfort zone when I didn’t even think I could get out of bed, people who encouraged me to try harder in my classes, people who blasted music and scream-sang with me throughout the house, people who encouraged me to move to my dream city. In Pi Phi, I found everything. Most important of all, I found myself through every single one of those girls.

As an Alum, how has Pi Phi helped you in your life outside of college? How did it help you grow as a person?
Pi Phi has helped me grow so much. I rely on my Pi Phi sisters everyday, even if that just means being able to call them after a busy day or snapchatting them pictures of my double chin. It was so easy to feel lonely after moving to a new city by myself, but my friends were there to remind me that I’m never alone, even if they couldn’t be with me physically. And not only did my OH Kappa Pi Phi sisters help me, but on the day I moved into my NYC apartment, I walked in to meet my random roommate - and she was wearing a Pi Phi sweatshirt. To my complete surprise, she was a Pi Phi at UConn, and it was amazing having that connection and being able to bond with her over something so special to both of us. I’ve grown so much because of the girls I’ve met (both OH Kappa and Connecticut Beta); they’ve all made me a much better version of myself. Everyday I try to emulate their compassion, support, and positivity to everyone around me.

Any advice to those of us still making our way through the wonderful college years?
DON’T WISH IT AWAY! Enjoy this amazing chapter! It sounds cliche, but college really is the best time of your life. It’s the perfect time to grow - there’s room to mess up a little bit, get back on your feet, and learn from your mistakes. My best advice is just to immerse yourself into it completely; dedicate yourself not only to getting good grades, but to truly learning and soaking up all the information that’s given to you. Get to know the people around you; take advantage of all the social events that college has to offer. Spend as much time with your friends as you can - grow with them, support them, learn from them.