The University of Cincinnati's Order of Omega Zeta Zeta Chapter was founded in 1985. The tapping occurs twice a year: once at Kappa Alpha Theta's Mr. University and another at the Chapter Excellence Awards. Ohio Kappa Pi Beta Phi currently has four members: Sarah Gravely, Hannah Jones, Rho Gamma, and Jordan Keysor. These women have been tapped for their courage to step forth and lead our chapter, for their perseverance in ensuring our chapter well-being, and their overall efforts to make UC Greek life an unbelievable experience for all.
July 2, 2012
Order of Omega
The purpose
of the Order of Omega is to recognize those students in the Greek
community who have been extraordinary leaders in some way. These leaders
are recognized with the purpose of encouraging others to strive for the
same goals. By bringing together the leaders in the community, it
creates an atmosphere of success that allows ideas to be thrown out and
used to better each chapter. Not only does the Order of Omega bring
together active members of the Greek community, but also alumni in the
area. Those eligible for membership must be in good standing with their
chapter and hold a GPA above the all-Greek average.